Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Seeing Upside Down

I developed a "floater" in my right eye a few days ago.  I went to my optometrist today to see what the story was.  It appears off in the far corner of my visual field and is sort of a translucent thread once in a while--not a bother or even a real distraction.  But it wasn't something I just wanted to wish away.

I pointed to the upper right part of my eye and said, "It must be there."  She said, "No, it's actually in the lower left hand part."  A little shadow showed up on a scan--a concentration of some vitreous fluid that bears watching but is no big deal at this point.  We'll check in a month when I have my regular exam.

I was reminded that in reality we see everything upside down.  The images of the world that make it through our eyes are literally 180 degrees off from reality.  We have to learn to see things upside down and pretend that they are right side up.

I've read about experiments where people have worn glasses that reversed the images again.  It wasn't long before they learned to deal with the world that way.  When the glasses were removed, they had to reorient again, but they did.

Learning to see the world upside down--that seems to be my task as well these days.

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