Wednesday, December 8, 2010

This Helped Before

When my wife, Anne, was dying in the intensive care unit, I wrote about the experience on  That was so helpful and healing for me (and for all of us) that I have looked for a way to continue that writing in this new chapter called "Widower 101."  I think this is as close as I can get to that prior experience.

A few things I know to start:
--I'm too pigheaded and opinionated to benefit much from electronic advice of a theological, psychological or "encouragement" bent.  Writing helps me process, but it isn't really a request for information.
--When I do need information or help, I'm pretty good at asking for it.
--This experience isn't "like" anything I've ever experienced.  Nor is it "like" anything you've ever experienced.  But I'm interested in what other widows and widowers have to say, because that's as close as anyone will get to what's happening to me.
--This is not to say that you shouldn't respond.  Feedback is one of the things I crave.  I suddenly have lost my primary dialogue partner, and that loss feels like starving to death a little at a time.  So help me process.  I need Anne, not answers--and that won't happen.  So your honest reflections will be the next best thing for now.

So, here I am this morning.  I re-arranged my bedroom to make more room because I don't need to access the bed from two sides.  Being one isn't the same as dividing two in half.  Thus the title of my blog.

1 comment:

  1. :-) I'm proud of you, Lowell. I look forward to your reflections.
